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Microsoft Intune
The Challenges
- We need a cloud-based management solution for endpoint security and configuration
- Some employees rarely visit the office and are often disconnected from the company network
What is Intune?
In the new era of IT, many organizations find themselves trying to manage devices that are never on your business network, or devices that end users purchased themselves (BYOD). These devices often go unmanaged and become risky endpoints, as they will go unmanaged, unpatched, and unprotected, while still holding company data and intellectual property. These devices sometimes also do not get their regular security updates, and other applications that are needed for the information worker to contribute to their organizations in the most efficient ways. Often, they are tied in via VPNs and their attestation only occurs when connected.
- Self-service Device Enrollment
- Device Compliance (requiring a passcode, bit locker, blocking rooted/jailbroken devices)
- Device Configuration (i.e. set desktop background, restrict control panel items)
- Application Deployment (UWP, MSI, and mobile applications)
- Remote Wipe
- Remote Assistance (requires TeamViewer subscription)
- Application installation monitoring
As more organizations turn to cloud technology, and employees work more remotely, devices are not always connected to the on-premises network where traditional device management tools typically manage endpoints.
Microsoft Intune manages devices through the cloud, removing the need for on-premises connectivity. It allows devices to connect to a cloud service to receive their policies, applications, and attest to their compliance. It also provides a nice dashboard to provide a single pane of glass view of your enrolled devices.
Intune is also device agnostic. It can manage Windows, Android, iOS, and macOS; with specific policies that can be applied to each device or environment specific application.
How can B2B help?
B2B Technologies has a proven track record for successful deployment of Intune. Our experts have been developing and customizing on Intune since its inception. Not only can we assist you with the activation and deployment of Intune, we will spend the time to ensure your resources can manage and troubleshoot your Intune service. We have also had an extended portfolio of Intune customization through PowerShell Scripting and custom MSI deployments, making us not only the right partner to design the solution to fit your needs, but to help you sustain it in perpetuity.